Code of Conduct for Business Partners



For ASSA ABLOY, social and ethical conduct is a matter of course. We are responsible for the employees who work for our company worldwide. Our core values – ownership, innovation and conscientiousness – guide us in our professional actions and decisions. The company and its business partners are committed to integrity and fairness towards all stakeholders. For this reason, ASSA ABLOY has created the Business Partner Code of Conduct. In addition, our policies and the Business Partner Code of Conduct are based on the following documents: 

  • Universal declaration of human rights and
  • related UN conventions
  • Trilateral declaration of principle on multinational
  • enterprise and social policy (ILO)
  • OECD guidelines for the protection of privacy and
  • on the cross-border movement of personal data
  • OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises
  • UN Global Compact Initiative
  • ISO 14001

To whom does this Code of Conduct apply?

It applies to all business partners that manufacture or provide products or services for ASSA ABLOY or that are acting on behalf of ASSA ABLOY, e.g. suppliers (and subcontractors whose services are used in the context of an activity for ASSA ABLOY), consultants, distributors, agents and other representatives.

Compliance with legislation

ASSA ABLOY requires all business partners to comply with the Code of Conduct and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. The Code of Conduct does not replace the applicable laws, which always take precedence. If the Code of Conduct imposes stricter requirements than the applicable legislation, the Code takes precedence. The Code of Conduct is valid in its English language version. All other versions are to be considered as translations only. A form for signing the Business Partner Code of Conduct is attached in Annex II.

Seek advice and point out grievances

If you or your employees suspect that the Business Partner Code of Conduct is not being followed or that ASSA ABLOY is in breach of its own Code of Conduct, please contact the ASSA ABLOY Headquarters contact person or a contact person at ASSA ABLOY. The form in Annex I may also be used.

Implementation and monitoring

ASSA ABLOY monitors the implementation of and compliance with the Code of Conduct. Violations shall be immediately sanctioned. In the event of violations, ASSA ABLOY may restrict or terminate the business relationship.

1. Business ethics

1. Business ethics

1.1 General information

We respect the laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate and expect the same from our business partners. ASSA ABLOY does not tolerate corruption in any form. This applies in particular to bribery, conflicts of interest, fraud, extortion, embezzlement, self-enrichment and unlawful commissions (kickbacks). Our business partners must not participate in or involve ASSA ABLOY in such activities.

1.2 Antitrust and competition law

Our business partners comply with all applicable competition and antitrust laws and regulations. In particular, they do not participate in price and offer agreements and in measures for the division of markets and customers.

1.3 Bribery

Facilitation payments or bribery payments ("kickbacks") in any form will not be tolerated by ASSA ABLOY.

1.4 Data protection

ASSA ABLOY business partners are required to comply with applicable data protection laws and regulations.

1.5 Conflicts of interest

Conflicts of interest between business partners and ASSA ABLOY must be avoided. Conflicts of interest include, but are not limited to, activities outside of the business, personal financial interests, use of inside or confidential information for personal gain, hiring close relatives, and business transactions with relatives or close acquaintances. ASSA ABLOY expects that in your business relationship with ASSA ABLOY, you will protect all confidential information that you have received from ASSA ABLOY and that you respect the intellectual property rights of ASSA ABLOY and third parties. 

1.6 Export control regulations

Compliance with applicable export control regulations is essential for ASSA ABLOY, as these regulations are often directed against activities of which ASSA ABLOY disapproves (e.g. terrorism).

2. Human and labour rights

2. Human and labour rights

2.1 Child labour

ASSA ABLOY recognises each child’s right to protection from economic exploitation and from activities that may jeopardise their physical, mental or mental health, interfere with their moral or social development, or interfere with education or training. Children are persons under the age of 15 or 14 respectively, in accordance with the minimum age exceptions for developing countries in accordance with Article 2.4 of the ILO Convention No. 138. If the legislation of a country stipulates a higher minimum age, this minimum age applies. Some countries define people who are over the minimum age but under the age of 18 as 'young workers'. This group of persons may be subject to legal restrictions regarding the type of activities permitted. ASSA ABLOY does not tolerate child labour and also requires the same non-tolerance from its business partners. However, we know that child labour exists and that it cannot be eliminated by rules and controls alone. When children manufacture products or provide services for ASSA ABLOY, the employer must act in the best interests of the child. We expect business partners to help us find a satisfactory solution to improve the child’s overall situation. All decisions must take into account age, social situation and education or training.

2.2 Forced labour

ASSA ABLOY does not tolerate any form of forced labour, employ slaves, prisoners or illegal workers and expects its business partners to do the same. ASSA ABLOY is aware that forced labour may also be caused by the obligation for deposit payments, security payments, identity documents or other personal effects and prohibits such measures. Temporary foreign workers may not be employed against their will. They have the same rights as local employees. The employer assumes responsibility for any necessary payments to employment agencies. All employees have the right to leave the workplace and accommodation (if provided by the employer) outside their working hours without hindrance.

2.3 Freedom of association and collective bargaining

ASSA ABLOY expects its business partners to grant their employees the right to join any organisation within the framework of applicable laws and regulations, to establish an organisation and to negotiate collectively or individually. No employee may be expected to suffer adverse consequences as a result of exercising these rights.

2.4 Employment contracts, working hours and remuneration

In relation to employment contracts and working hours, including overtime and overtime compensation, ASSA ABLOY’s business partners shall comply with local laws and regulations. Wages and salaries are paid regularly and comply with applicable laws and market conditions. Employees have the right to at least one day off every seven days, as well as national and local holidays that are not worked, provided that these are generally recognised. Employees are granted fixed annual leave, sick leave and parental leave without any adverse consequences.

2.5 Discrimination, harassment and diversity

ASSA ABLOY values and promotes diversity and gender balance. We expect our business partners to have a working environment in which all employees are treated with respect and dignity and have the same fair development opportunities. ASSA ABLOY does not tolerate discrimination or harassment amongst its business partners on the basis of race, sexual orientation, gender, religion, age, disability, political opinion, nationality or any other potentially discriminatory factor.

2.6 Alcohol and/or drug abuse

ASSA ABLOY works proactively to prevent hazards in the workplace. Employees who manufacture products or perform services for ASSA ABLOY must appear at work with unimpaired working capacity and refrain from alcohol consumption if this can have an impact on the fulfilment of their work duties. ASSA ABLOY does not tolerate drugs and prohibits employees who manufacture products or perform services for ASSA ABLOY and who are under the influence of drugs from being present on company premises or at work.

2.7 Consumer interests

We require our products and services to comply with applicable occupational health and safety regulations. This expectation must be taken into account by our business partners when manufacturing goods or providing services for us. 

2.8 Responsible sourcing of minerals

ASSA ABLOY respects applicable laws and regulations regarding disclosure of the use of conflict minerals. Conflict minerals are minerals from high-risk areas that directly or indirectly contribute to the financing of armed groups, which are held at least partially responsible for serious human rights violations. Deliveries to ASSA ABLOY shall be made in compliance with applicable laws and regulations on the handling of conflict minerals.

3. Environmental protection

3. Environmental protection

3.1 Environmental protection and sustainability

ASSA ABLOY complies with all statutory environmental protection requirements and expects its business partners to have all necessary operating permits and to keep them up to date. ASSA ABLOY encourages the development and distribution of environmentally friendly technologies. ASSA ABLOY recommends that all business partners with significant environmental impacts implement certifiable environmental management systems or similar environmental protection systems.

ASSA ABLOY is committed to the ongoing reduction of resource requirements. We also expect our business partners to commit to the ongoing reduction of energy, water and other resource requirements and waste. We also expect to work to prevent environmental pollution, to reduce noise pollution to an acceptable level and to improve product- and process-related environmental compatibility throughout the entire value chain. Chemicals and hazardous materials must be properly identified and safely stored, recycled, reused or disposed of.

4. Occupational health and safety

4. Occupational health and safety

4.1 Workplace

ASSA ABLOY is systematically committed to safe working conditions and expects its business partners to do the same. Risks that can lead to accidents or affect the well-being and health of people working for ASSA ABLOY must be reduced. Occupational health and safety risks must therefore be identified, assessed and controlled by means of a graduated process (hazard prevention, technical and/or administrative facilities). Examples of safe working conditions are: The workplaces are kept clean, the production facilities are safe and do not pose a health risk to employees, instructions for wearing protective clothing and handling work equipment are followed. Protective and work equipment must be provided to employees. Workplaces must be bright and have acceptable temperature and noise levels. Hearing protection or similar protective equipment must be worn at workplaces with high noise levels. All units shall provide adequate separate clean changing rooms, washrooms and toilets for men and women. We expect our business partners to fulfil the aforementioned conditions. 

4.2 Building security and fire protection

Hazardous goods must be stored in accordance with the regulations. Emergency exits must be clearly marked. Exits must be unobstructed and well lit. All personnel must be informed about safety measures such as emergency exits, fire extinguishers, first aid kits, etc. An evacuation plan should be posted on each floor. Fire alarm tests and evacuation drills must be carried out regularly.

4.3 First aid and medical care

First aid equipment must be available at appropriate locations and at least one person at each location should be trained in basic first aid measures. Unless the safety regulations have been violated, the business partner shall assume the costs of medical care for injuries that have occurred on its premises if the costs are not covered by another insurance company.